So yeah, I understand why the neocons love Obama. He's not really challenging the reckless policy logic they have successfully instilled in your govenrmentI can't stress enough that this is a very prominent member, writing on the most widely read non-corporate political blog on the planet. About 500,000 people read Daily Kos a day.
Fortunately another blogger wrote a response diary that countered the misperception:
Fighting global warming. Diplomacy. International institutions. Combating pandemic flu. Increasing international aid. Sure Obama wants to maintain a strong military. Yes, he made the extremely non-controversial statement that he would attack a country that looked like it wanted to attack us. The fact that he talks extensively about the military during a time of war in his first, major foreign policy address doesn't make him a Iraq-invading, Bill Kristol-loving neo-conservative.
As for which viewpoint is right? Read the speech and decide for youself! Or watch the video of him on his site. But the paragraph that jumped out at me?
This will require a new spirit – not of bluster and bombast, but of quiet confidence and sober intelligence, a spirit of care and renewed competence. It will also require a new leader. And as a candidate for President of the United States, I am asking you to entrust me with that responsibility.
Yes. Obama says we don't need bluster or bombast...but intelligence. Does that sound like he's trying to be George W. Bush to you?
Like I said, read the speech and decide for yourself. But if you get the same impression I have, you need to ask yourself one additional question: Who benifits from knowingly lying about Obama's foreign policy views? People who want to promote some other candidate. It's very sad that politics always brings people's motives into question, but that's the way it is. Facts and advocacy have merged too much. This is the same tactic that they used on Obama when they said he want to a "Muslim School," even though he didn't. It's also the same tactic they used on Kerry when they said he faked injuries to try to get a medal, which he didn't. It's the same tactic they used on Bill Clinton when they tried to blame him in the Whitewater incedent but he didn't do anything illegal or even unethical.
If we are to recognize itentional misinformation and combat it, we are eventually going to have to move away from the safe question of "Is what you say true?" and sometimes have to say the more uncomfortable question, "Why are you lying?"