Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Obama Cartoon and Clean Coal

Here is a funny comic I found:

Turning to more somber topics for a moment, Obama is under fire by some enviromentalists for his support of "clean coal." The question, of course, is how clean is clean coal, really?

The science behind the cleanliness of clean coal debateable and very complicated. Unfortunately if this last Presidency teaches us anything it's that the President doesn't do much. Although Bush has had a truly remakable slew of bad advisors, I think it's much more belieavable that he's simple a poor judge of character and very prone to cronism, and not that he's malicious. Obama's stance on clean coal won't matter one way or the other. The scientists and industrialists in charge of producing and using the coal, the Senators and Congressmen who help write the regulations, the lobbyists who influence those legislators, the chief science guy in Obama's canbinet....they'll do most of the work.

So is clean coal an important source of energy to at least examine? Yes. Does Obama have the right intentions in mind even if clean coal turns out not to work. Yes. I don't see what the problem is here. Do you?

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