Sunday, June 3, 2007

A profile in GOP alternatives: Epilogue

This is the final installment of my analysis of Obama's potential Republican foes in the general election. I have previously profiled Mike Huckabee, Tom Tancredo, Sam Brownback, John McCain, Tommy Thompson, Jim Gilmore, Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney.

I have left out both Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter: there simply exists too little information on these obscure candidates to make a decent post. It's worth noting, however, that Paul is the only GOP candidate with sane foreign policy views.

There are two other candidates I have left out, and that is because they have not announced they are running for President, nor participated in any debates: they are former House Speaker Newt Gingritch and former Tennesse Senator Fred Thompson. Since starting this blog, the likelyhood that Thompson will in fact run has increased considerably, and I predict that should he enter the race, he will indeed be a force to be reconed with. Thompson not only has the charisma that only a professional actor can have, he also is entering the race at a time when Republicans don't like their current candidates much. Despite not announcing or raising any money, he's already in a statistical dead heat with Hillary Clinton. As for his weaknesses, read this great post on my favorate blog. At present, the most reliable polling firm has Giuliani at 1st place with 25%, and Romney, McCain, and Fred Thompson all almost tied for second at about 15% each.

What can we deduce here about Obama's chances to become President? I feel more confident in his chances in the general election (because most of his opponents don't seem like they could truly be competitive) but a the same time, more concerned (because of how truly crazy some of these guys really are.)

Tonight is the 2nd Democratic debate, and I'll have a blog post on it as soon as it's over.

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